Saturday, June 4, 2011

Half Marathon Update

2nd half marathon = check

Well to begin, we got this notice upon check in.

Check out 2(a).  Yeah.  Seriously?!

So after a pretty good night's rest, I woke up at 5:00am to get dressed and head down to the Rec Center where check in was being held.  I passed on the bagels and cream cheese.  What an odd thing to serve just minutes before you run 13 miles?  Or at least I thought so.  Instead, I opted for a banana right when I woke up and some "goop" about 15 minutes before the race.  Bad decision.  The goop was disgusting.  I was feeling it miles 1-4.

After the pretty steep hill mile 3-4.5, it was mostly downhill the rest of the way.  The views were amazing.  My favorite part was a 3 mile trek along the "old highway" which was an old dirt/gravel packed road.  Switchbacks all the way down the mountain.  At the base of the mountain, we ran right next to a river and streams for another good mile or two.  The trees blessed us with some shade.  And we couldn't have asked for better weather.

Fortunately, there were no black bear encounters.  However, a mangy looking pit bull decided to run up to me, jump on me, and run with me a few yards around mile 7.  I was absolutely terrified!  All I could think about was how he was going to bite me and how inconvenient that was going to be.  Ha.  The woman I was running with also flipped out.  She basically just grabbed hold of me and started screaming.  Somehow, I remained calm and told the dog "nooo" in my awesome-dog-parenting voice.  It worked.  He backed off.  Praise Jesus.

6 miles later I was done.

So all in all, the race went really well.  A few minor aches and pains here and there, but nothing major.

J and I spent the rest of the morning walking around the little town of Black Mountain.  We meandered through their "tailgate market" which consisted of a bunch of craft tents ranging from wood working, pottery, jewelry, etc.  Had lunch at a great little local restaurant that had some of the best grits and apple butter I'd ever had.  I opted for the carb veggie plate:  grits, herb roasted potatoes, and a watermelon, canelope, and mint salad.  It tasted like summer, and it inspired me to stop by the farmers market to pick up a mint plant once we got back home.  Plus, they served me water in a mason jar.  Yes please.

I'll probably try to sign up for this race again next year.  I think the downhill-ness has spoiled me.  :)

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