Friday, June 24, 2011

trip to guernsey?

My copy of The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society arrived at my local library branch a few days ago.  And ever since I picked it up last night, I haven't been able to put it down.  After realizing that I have been reading oh-non-stop today, I decided to take a break to investigate this magical channel island nestled between England and France.

The novel is a series of letters back and forth among the many characters.  Some short, some long.  It has me wanting to write letters to my long distance (or nearby) friends.  Real letters.  Sent via mail.  Anyone down?

I caught myself (a few times) wanting to be Juliet -- writing letters back and forth with people she has never met only to develop everlasting friendships with.  To meet Dawsey and Kit.  To play in the wild flowers that lie in the meadow outside her little house just before the cliffs.  To have tea with silly Isola.  And to dream about The Elizabeth that so haunts (in a good way) the story.

I have a feeling that Juliet and Dawsey are perfect for each other.  Shh.  Don't spoil anything for me.  So long as she is not with Mark.  He's just not right for her.

I thought that now, with a mere 50 pages to go, would be a good time find pictures of Guernsey Island.  I love a book that removes you from the present reality and captures so much of your attention that you daydream about what life would be like if you yourself were the protagonist or the character in the corner.

I found some great old photos of Guernsey.  Perfect -- because the novel is set in the 1940's after German Occupation of the Islands.


I found a few sites that have cottages to rent weekly if anyone is up for it.  Yes?

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