Wednesday, June 22, 2011

new love = gardening?

I admit.  This was my first time planting flowers.  Why I never ventured to plant before... I don't know.  Despite the sweat dripping down my face in this 98 degree weather we're having, I enjoyed being outside, jamming out to some tunes, and gettin' in the dirt.  I made no attempt to arrange them in any order.  I'd rather they mingle.

It's not much, but it's a start. I got the flowers from The Gardens of Blackhawk Hardware -- a tucked away gem in the Park Road Shopping Center. 

I've usually always planted mostly herbs and some vegetables.  With Athens' crazy water ban during the summer, maintaining a garden just wasn't possible.  This year, I started late because we didn't move in to our new place until the very end of May.  But I was able to start some basil, cilantro, mint, parsley, cucumbers, and a tomato plant which we decided to hang -- never had a hanging tomato plant before (all of these purchased from some lady at the Charlotte Regional Farmers Market). 

He's kind of worn down from the storm last night.  :(


  1. Love the new flowers and the tomatoes are really growing!

  2. Lovely! I'll bet the adventures at Blackhawk Hardware and the Farmer's Market were almost as fun as the planting, too. Keep the pics coming!
