Tuesday, June 14, 2011

knitted snuggly

So most of the women in our circle of friends here have had or are about to have children.  It's truly a blessing to be surrounded by such caring and confidant mothers.  And when it comes to baby showers, I've found a knitting pattern for a bunny snuggly that I absolutely love.  And the mothers do, too.

I got it from one of the ladies who runs Charlotte Yarn on East Blvd.  These ladies are incredibly friendly and generous with their time.  I feel like I can walk in there any day, and they will drop what they're doing to show me how to perfect my mattress seam or anything else.  I haven't quite gotten the same response from other yarn shops in the area.  With some, you ask them a question or for help, and they want you to pay $20 an hour for a class.  Urgh.  Not this place.

I saw this little snuggly sitting on some yarn, and was pleasantly surprised to find that one of the women working actually made up the pattern.  Below, you will see the pattern completed with bunny ears.  There are also bear and mouse ears.  Cute.

With no further ado, here are some sub-par pictures of my recent snuggly gift I made for a dear friend and co-worker.  We were about to present our hamper full of gifts to her when I remembered that I had forgotten to take a few photos of the finished snuggly before wrapping it up... so these are the best photos I could salvage from my non-smart phone.

I chose a light purple machine washable yarn for the body and pink yarn for the stitching.  I then made a card to go around its neck (If you don't have lettered stamps on hand, they really come in handy for crafty card or label making projects).

Next knitting project (once I have $$ to buy some yarn):  Montavilla Market Tote.  

I've always wanted one of these bags.  They've been taunting me at Earth Fare every time I see them.  So I've decided I'll just make my own.  Why not?  I've got some time on my hands for the next 9 weeks...

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